Film Series Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Runtime: 83 min
"Ghost in the Shell" (1995) is a groundbreaking anime film based on the manga of the same name by Masamune Shirow. The film is set in a futuristic world in 2029, where humans and machines merge into an indistinguishable mass.
The plot centers on M (more...)
Akio Ôtsuka (Batô), Tamio Ôki (Section 9 Department Chief Aramaki), Atsuko Tanaka (Major Motoko Kusanagi), Iemasa Kayumi (Project 2501 aka 'The Puppet Master'), Takeshi Kitano (Aramaki), Kôichi Yamadera (Togusa)
Innocence (2004) °
Runtime: 100 min
"Innocence" (2004) is a sequel to the original anime "Ghost in the Shell" and was once again directed by Mamoru Oshii. The film is set in a futuristic world where humans and androids continue to merge and where a new threat emerges.
The plot revol (more...)
Akio Ôtsuka (Batou), Akino Watanabe (Gaya), Joey D'Auria (Kim), Crispin Freeman (Togusa), Richard Epcar (Batou), Kyle Hebert (Detective)
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