Ben Schnetzer
Place of Birth: New York City, New York, USA
Moview with Ben Schnetzer
Goat - (2016)
Role: Brad Land
Warcraft - (2016)
Role: Khadgar
Movie Quotes with Ben Schnetzer
Quote from Goat:
Brett: "None of this matters at all!"
Brad: "It matters to me!"
Brad: "It matters to me!"
Brett Land Nick Jonas
Brad Land Ben Schnetzer
Quote from Goat:
Brad: "Maybe you should just quit."
Dixon: "Because if you quit you're just another guy that couldn't hack it."
Dixon: "Because if you quit you're just another guy that couldn't hack it."
Brad Land Ben Schnetzer
Dixon Rowley Jake Picking
Quote from Goat:
Brett: "Your mom says you're thinking about bailing on school."
Brad: "I'm not bailing on it."
Brad: "I'm not bailing on it."
Brad Land Ben Schnetzer
Brett Land Nick Jonas
Quote from Goat:
Brad: "I'm excited. I'm excited to be here."
Brett: "Because these are some of the best years ever."
Brett: "Because these are some of the best years ever."
Brad Land Ben Schnetzer
Brett Land Nick Jonas
Quote from Goat:
"I'm having sex for the first time in my life. I'm not stupid, that's not because of me."
Brad Land Ben Schnetzer
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