Cara Delevingne
Birthday: 08/12/1992
Place of Birth: London, England, UK
Moview with Cara Delevingne
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets - (2017)
Role: Laureline
Tulip Fever - (2017)
Role: Annetje
Suicide Squad - (2016)
Role: Enchantress
Pan - (2015)
Role: Mermaid
TV-Series with Cara Delevingne
Carnival Row - Season 1 - (2019)
Role: Vignette Stonemoss
Movie Quotes with Cara Delevingne
Quote from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:
"We get on just great. You flirt, I smile."
[to Valerian]
[to Valerian]
Laureline Cara Delevingne
Quote from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:
"I taught him how to do that."
Laureline Cara Delevingne
Quote from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:
Valerian: "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
Laureline: "Valerian, trust me."
Laureline: "Valerian, trust me."
Valerian Dane DeHaan
Laureline Cara Delevingne
Quote from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:
General: "This mission is a simple in and out. Agent Valerian, you'll be running solo."
Valerian: "I only work with my partner."
Laureline: "Hi."
Valerian: "We're a team."
Valerian: "I only work with my partner."
Laureline: "Hi."
Valerian: "We're a team."
General Herbie Hancock
Laureline Cara Delevingne
Valerian Dane DeHaan
Quote from Suicide Squad:
"Let's do something fun."
Enchantress Cara Delevingne
Quote from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:
"Home sweet home."
Laureline Cara Delevingne
Quote from Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:
Commander Arün Filitt: "Agents Valerian and Laureline, you have less than ten hours to find the threat and eliminate it."
Laureline: "Time to get to work!"
Laureline: "Time to get to work!"
Commander Arün Filitt Clive Owen
Laureline Cara Delevingne
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