Kurt Evans
Birthday: 01/25/1974
Place of Birth: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
TV-Series with Kurt Evans
iZombie - Season 3 - (2016)
Role: Floyd Baracus
The Man in the High Castle - Season 2 - (2016)
Role: Henry Collins
Movie Quotes with Kurt Evans
Quote from The Man in the High Castle - Season 2:
Bill: "What do you think's going to happen?"
Henry Collins: "I think we're going to drink some more, head back to the office and hope someone more important than us has a plan."
Bill: "I'll drink to that."
Henry Collins: "I think we're going to drink some more, head back to the office and hope someone more important than us has a plan."
Bill: "I'll drink to that."
Bill (Executive #2) Adam Bergquist
Henry Collins Kurt Evans
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