Martin Brambach
Birthday: //1967
Place of Birth: Dresden, Germany
Moview with Martin Brambach
Lindenberg! - (2020)
Role: Herm
Kästner und der kleine Dienstag - (2016)
Role: Nietenführ
Women - (2016)
Role: Rüdiger Kneppke
The Counterfeiters - (2007)
Role: Hauptscharführer Holst
TV-Series with Martin Brambach
Tatort (1059) - (2018)
Role: Peter Michael Schnabel
Tatort (1045) - (2018)
Role: Peter Michael Schnabel
Tatort (1035) - (2017)
Role: P. Michael Schnabel
Tatort (1024) - (2017)
Role: Peter Michael Schnabel
Tatort (995) - (2016)
Role: Peter Michael Schnabel
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Tatort (978) - (2016)
Role: Peter Michael Schnabel
Tatort (832) - (2012)
Role: Klaus Müller
Tatort (821) - (2011)
Role: Hans-Peter Oswald
Tatort (781) - (2010)
Role: Alfred Thönnies
Tatort (752) - (2010)
Role: Klaus Michalke
Tatort (783) - (2010)
Role: Uwe Fischer
Movie Quotes with Martin Brambach
Quote from Women:
Rüdiger Kneppke: "The guys who are after you?"
Liz Tucha: "My ex-fiancée."
K.O. Schott: "My condolences."
Liz Tucha: "My ex-fiancée."
K.O. Schott: "My condolences."
K.O. Schott Heiner Lauterbach
Rüdiger Kneppke Martin Brambach
Quote from Women:
"Women are from Mars, men are from the moon. They just don't go together."
Rüdiger Kneppke Martin Brambach
Quote from Women:
"We'd all be better off if Adam and Eve had been Chinese. They would have let the apple hang and eaten the snake."
Rüdiger Kneppke Martin Brambach
Quote from Women:
K.O. Schott: "In any case, I don't deny my feelings."
Rüdiger Kneppke: "Nah, you don't have any!"
Rüdiger Kneppke: "Nah, you don't have any!"
Rüdiger Kneppke Martin Brambach
K.O. Schott Heiner Lauterbach
Quote from Women:
"Three guys, deep in shit. And who's to blame? Women!"
[tied to the tree]
[tied to the tree]
Rüdiger Kneppke Martin Brambach
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