Allison Tolman
Birthday: 11/18/1981
Place of Birth: Houston, Texas, USA
Moview with Allison Tolman
The House - (2017)
Role: Dawn
Killing Gunther - (2017)
Role: Mia
Krampus - (2015)
Role: Linda
TV-Series with Allison Tolman
Fargo - Season 1 - (2014)
Role: Molly Solverson
Movie Quotes with Allison Tolman
Quote from Krampus:
Howard: "We should have gone to stay with my brother!"
Linda: "Your brother lives in a barn!"
Howard: "Jesus was born in a barn!"
Linda: "Your brother lives in a barn!"
Howard: "Jesus was born in a barn!"
Howard David Koechner
Linda Allison Tolman
Quote from Krampus:
"It's Christmas. Nothing bad is going to happen on Christmas!"
Linda Allison Tolman
Quote from Krampus:
Howard: "How come rich people get all the free shit?"
Linda: "I don't know, honey!"
Linda: "I don't know, honey!"
Howard David Koechner
Linda Allison Tolman
Quote from Krampus:
Linda: "You let them go to the bathroom alone?"
Aunt Dorothy: "There was another option?"
Aunt Dorothy: "There was another option?"
Linda Allison Tolman
Aunt Dorothy Conchata Ferrell
Quote from Krampus:
"We heard something on the roof."
Linda Allison Tolman
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