James Allen McCune
Place of Birth: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Moview with James Allen McCune
Blair Witch - (2016)
Role: James
Snitch - (2013)
Role: Craig
Movie Quotes with James Allen McCune
Quote from Blair Witch:
Lisa: "What is that?"
James: "The guy who uploaded this video said it was from a tape found in the Black Hills Woods."
James: "The guy who uploaded this video said it was from a tape found in the Black Hills Woods."
Lisa Arlington Callie Hernandez
James James Allen McCune
Quote from Blair Witch:
"I think that might be my sister."
James James Allen McCune
Quote from Blair Witch:
Lisa: "You really think your sister might be still out there after all these years?"
James: "If there's any chance that I could find out what happened to her I need to try."
James: "If there's any chance that I could find out what happened to her I need to try."
Lisa Arlington Callie Hernandez
James James Allen McCune
Quote from Blair Witch:
Lisa: "They're everywhere."
Talia: "Who could have done this?"
Ashley: "You did this!"
[Ashley grabs the wood figure from Talia's hand and breaks it, the wood shakes and Talia suddenly collapses]
James: "Oh, my God!"
Talia: "Who could have done this?"
Ashley: "You did this!"
[Ashley grabs the wood figure from Talia's hand and breaks it, the wood shakes and Talia suddenly collapses]
James: "Oh, my God!"
Lisa Arlington Callie Hernandez
Talia Valorie Curry
Ashley Corbin Reid
James James Allen McCune
Quote from Blair Witch:
James: "We found it!"
Lisa: "That's not your sister, that can't be her!"
Lisa: "That's not your sister, that can't be her!"
James James Allen McCune
Lisa Arlington Callie Hernandez
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