Catherine Chan
Birthday: 06/27/1999
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Moview with Catherine Chan
Safe - (2012)
Role: Mei
Movie Quotes with Catherine Chan
Quote from Safe:
Mei: "Why did you save me?"
Luke Wright: "I didn't save you. You saved me."
Luke Wright: "I didn't save you. You saved me."
Mei Catherine Chan
Luke Wright Jason Statham
Quote from Safe:
"You're a crazy man, but not so stupid."
Mei Catherine Chan
Quote from Safe:
"I don't want no more fathers. Will you be my friend?"
Mei Catherine Chan
Quote from Safe:
"Happiness for you?"
Mei Catherine Chan
Quote from Safe:
Mei: "Are we safe?"
Luke Wright: "One day at a time, Mei. One day at a time."
Luke Wright: "One day at a time, Mei. One day at a time."
Mei Catherine Chan
Luke Wright Jason Statham
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