Craig Robinson
Birthday: 10/25/1971
Moview with Craig Robinson
Table 19 - (2017)
Role: Jerry Kepp
Tragedy Girls - (2017)
Role: Big Al
Sausage Party - (2016)
Role: Mr. Grits
Escape from Planet Earth - (2013)
Role: Doc
Pineapple Express - (2008)
Role: Matheson
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Zack and Miri Make a Porno - (2008)
Role: Delaney
TV-Series with Craig Robinson
Mr. Robot - Season 2 - (2016)
Role: Ray
Movie Quotes with Craig Robinson
Quote from Table 19:
Jerry: "Do you ever have that kind of day where the things that come easy to everyone else just seem so elusive?"
Eloise: "No."
Jerry: "Yeah, me neither."
Eloise: "No."
Jerry: "Yeah, me neither."
Eloise McGarry Anna Kendrick
Jerry Kepp Craig Robinson
Quote from Sausage Party:
Frank: "That doesn't make any sense! Why would that do that?"
Firewater: "Uh, because it makes them stronger. Their hunger's insatiable, buddy, I mean, fuck."
Frank: "How do you know all this?"
Mr. Grits: "We're the non-perishables..."
Firewater: "Uh, because it makes them stronger. Their hunger's insatiable, buddy, I mean, fuck."
Frank: "How do you know all this?"
Mr. Grits: "We're the non-perishables..."
Frank / Sergeant Pepper Seth Rogen
Firewater / Tequila / El Guaco Bill Hader
Mr. Grits Craig Robinson
Quote from Table 19:
Eloise: "Today will not suck. [coming to Table #19] Hi."
Renzo: "Hello. Oh, my God. Hi, I'm Renzo. I've achieved puberty and I'm in a rock band."
Walter: "I'm Walter and I've also achieved puberty."
Freda Eckberg: "I'm Francie Millner's first nanny."
Jerry: "I can smell the toilets from here, that's how well we know the bride and groom."
Renzo: "Hello. Oh, my God. Hi, I'm Renzo. I've achieved puberty and I'm in a rock band."
Walter: "I'm Walter and I've also achieved puberty."
Freda Eckberg: "I'm Francie Millner's first nanny."
Jerry: "I can smell the toilets from here, that's how well we know the bride and groom."
Eloise McGarry Anna Kendrick
Renzo Eckberg Tony Revolori
Freda Eckberg Margo Martindale
Jerry Kepp Craig Robinson
Quote from Mr. Robot - Season 2:
"Control is about as real as a one-legged unicorn taling a leak at the end of a double rainbow."
Ray Craig Robinson
Quote from Mr. Robot - Season 2:
"We're talking about the type of money that makes you question right or wrong."
Ray Craig Robinson
Quote from Table 19:
Eloise: "I'm Eloise. I got dumped by Francie's brother, the best man, back there, table 1."
Jerry: "No, kidding."
Freda: "This is a great table. It's a great one."
Jerry: "No it isn't."
Freda: "Yes."
Jerry: "No, it isn't."
Jerry: "No, kidding."
Freda: "This is a great table. It's a great one."
Jerry: "No it isn't."
Freda: "Yes."
Jerry: "No, it isn't."
Eloise McGarry Anna Kendrick
Freda Eckberg Margo Martindale
Jerry Kepp Craig Robinson
Quote from Table 19:
Eloise: "Do you know what Francie's mother called table 19? 'The table that should have known to send regrets, but not before sending something nice off the registry.'"
Freda: "What?"
Eloise: "'The table that could disappear in the middle of the wedding and no one would even notice.'"
Freda: "A table of people they don't care about!"
Jerry: "What the hell are we doing back here?"
Freda: "Let's go."
Freda: "What?"
Eloise: "'The table that could disappear in the middle of the wedding and no one would even notice.'"
Freda: "A table of people they don't care about!"
Jerry: "What the hell are we doing back here?"
Freda: "Let's go."
Eloise McGarry Anna Kendrick
Freda Eckberg Margo Martindale
Jerry Kepp Craig Robinson
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